VESTE EXCEPȚIONALĂ! S-a decis: LUPUL DACIC va fi logo-ul României pentru preşedinţia UE în anul 2019

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  1. Putea sa se numeasca si Getia sau Ar-getia…dar acesta erea in zona Tzara-Romanesca. iar Dacia cuprindea Banatul, Oltenia, Transilvania….Nu se stie cum se numea Moldova dar probabil Sucidaua.

  2. Limba romana nu exista . Ce vorbim noi este limba valaha ……ROMANIA este numele corporatiei creata de Carol I dupa deznaturalizarea celor doua voievodate Moldova si Valahia si deznaturalizarea valahilor . Scopul deznaturalizarii a fost exproprierea legala si inrobirea poporului valah catre imperiul roman de apus Vaticanul acesta aplicind in tara noastra legea medievala .Recomand citirea acestui articol care explica metoda legal frauduloasa de inrobire a oamenilor de catre Vatican [ botezul insusi este o metoda de furt de identitate si sclavizare] Since 1933, when a child is borne in a State (Estate) under inferior Roman law, three (3) Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created upon certain presumptions specifically designed to deny, forever, the child any rights of Real Property, any Rights to be free, and any Rights to be known as man or woman, rather than a creature or animal (kid ) by claiming and possessing their Soul or Spirit.”Cestui Que Vie” …trust ….

  3. Unii zic ca ar fi dragon . Ca n-ar avea legatura cu lupul . Lupul e simbolul Romei . Cred ca sub influenta Romei / Vaticanului s-a renuntat la al numii dragon si l-au numit lup . Curios este ca acest Sarpe Zburator /Dragon e in mitologia mai multor popoare inclusiv la mexicani ,Quetzalcoatl .

    The Dacian Draco [draˈko] was the standard ensign of troops of the ancient Dacian people, which can be seen in the hands of the soldiers of Decebalus in several scenes depicted on Trajan’s Column in Rome, Italy. It has the form of a dragon with open wolf-like jaws containing several metal tongues.[1][2][3] The hollow dragon’s head was mounted on a pole with a fabric tube affixed at the rear. In use, the draco was held up into the wind, or above the head of a horseman, where it filled with air and gave the impression it was alive while making a shrill sound as the wind passed through its strips of material.[4][5][3The origin of the standard is unknown and still a matter of dispute among scholars. A specific and certain origin is still difficult to be determined. Dacian, Thracian, Scythian, Sarmatian[8][9][10] or Parthian origins have been proposed in dedicated historiography.[11] According to Lucreţiu Mihăilescu-Bîrliba by the 2nd century AD, i.e. after the conclusion of the Dacian Wars, the draco symbol was assimilated in the Greco-Roman world with the Dacian ethnos.[12] According to Jon N. C. Coulston the Romans associated this standard with 1st and 2nd century Danubian barbarians.[13] The Roman historian Arrian wrote that the Romans took the draco from the Scythians, most probably a term for the contemporary Sarmatians.[8] It is possible that the serpent or dragon theme was the result of early cartography of the Carpathian mountain range, which resembles a dragon or serpent, facing the west with its tail the black sea.

    The original purpose was probably to provide wind direction for archery. [14]

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